A Retirement Planning Success Story

Whether you're a military family or you're just looking for honest financial advice, we're here to help. Below is a hypothetical situation that shows a time when it made sense to work with a financial planner and how they benefitted from doing so.

Preparing for a new chapter & looking for a new advisor

Prepare for Retirement

After long careers, Jon & Erica are ready to transition into the next chapter & need a plan to make it as smooth as possible

Plan for Charitable Giving

Lifelong donors, they want to make sure their dollars are being used as effectively as possible when given away

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Jon & Erica

A mid-50s couple with a 7-figure investment portfolio looking to retire within a few years

The Situation

Jon spent his career in construction and they've built a healthy nest egg, but weren't sure if they were making the right retirement decisions. From social security timing to tax minimization, they knew there were a lot things to learn.

They'd been working with an advisor from a "big name" firm, but the service was lacking. They rarely received updates and never spoke about more than their investments.

The Results

Since we offer ongoing support & unlimited advice, one of their main concerns was addressed right away. As part of their financial plan, we created retirement income scenarios to show them different paths to take and what the effects could be. We also covered:

  • Charitable giving & tax strategies
  • Beneficiaries & proper titling
  • Annual travel budgeting
  • Roth conversion plan 
  • Rightsize their insurance 
  • Helped them help their son to buy a house
Start planning for financial freedom today.

Hop on a 30 minute call to talk about your situation, and we will help you make an educated decision about your next steps, regardless of it is moving forward with our firm or not.

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